Socially Distanced 4th of July

Smaller gatherings have been a silver lining to our new way of life in 2020. Our annual 4th of July big bash (which often tops 75 people) was only six families this year. While we miss seeing ALL our friends, neighbors, etc… we were able to relax (no cooking-gasp!), talk to all the guests, and just enjoy being together for the holiday this year at Blue Moon Farms.


Our small town of Northfield cancelled their traditional 4th of July bike parade and party in the park, in accordance with Government regulations. To keep the spirit of Independence Day alive, they held a neighborhood decorating contest instead, and invited residents to hop on their bikes and join in the fun by visiting each house. We noticed a small crowd gathering, so we opened up the gates and put out carrots, encouraging the families to come on in and visit with the horses!

In lieu of Jim smoking pork shoulder- literally for days- we hired a food truck to serve up summer favorites like hot dogs, burgers, and fries. Little Louie’s is a local favorite, and having the food served from a food truck in our driveway was both fun and safe for our guests!


We welcomed everyone on the front porch, and set up tables that our carpenter made in the front yard. There was plenty of room for us to spread out, while still being together enjoying the food and drinks. We also put out some yard games to keep the kids occupied until the evening entertainment!


As the sun set we all headed to the backyard for an outdoor movie. Earlier that day we set up outdoor blankets and lanterns, and asked guests to bring their own chairs. A couple of smart teenagers in our town have started an outdoor movie company, Star Night Theaters-they set everything up and ran the audio. Our kids chose the disaster movie “San Andreas” starring The Rock, my suggestion of Hamilton was vetoed! Of course the bar stayed open for those not interested in watching the movie…


At 10PM we took an intermission from the movie for the BIG SHOW. One tradition we didn’t give up on this year was fireworks. Even although we were a small group at our farm that night, I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood enjoyed the pyrotechnics!


This day will be remembered in American history. People will honor it with fireworks and celebrations.”

John Adams, 1776


October at Blue Moon Farms


Quarantined Class of 2020